Author Topic: stop using avatars that have your name stapled onto them.  (Read 5813 times)

this is getting really annoying. i don't know if it's some sort of avatar generator that's making these, but you really don't have to have your name flashing inside your avatar-it's right there.

I don't like you, your avatar, your name, nor the name of the show it's after.

I personaly don't see whats wrong with avatars like that, yet I don't really care :P

i bealive there is someone with a flash avatar with someone elses name, that made my day.

i bealive there is someone with a flash avatar with someone elses name, that made my day.
i saw that

I don't like you, your avatar, your name, nor the name of the show it's after.
That show was epic.

this is getting really annoying. i don't know if it's some sort of avatar generator that's making these, but you really don't have to have your name flashing inside your avatar-it's right there.

Your opinion isn't going to change much. What do you expect? People aren't going to drop everything and do what you say. I understand what you mean, I clearly see your point, however I don't think this topic is going to do much except change into a flame war of some sort.

Do a barrel roll to dodge the up coming flamedge!

This isn't what's annoying, however what is annoying is people using epic completely wrong, for example:

That show was epic.

For one, the only thing that is epic that is even related to a TV show is an epic movie, which is defined as:

Quote from: Wikipedia
The epic film is a film genre typically featuring expensive production values, an emotionally moving music soundtrack, and dramatic themes. The name is derived from the grand themes, stories and characters of epic poetry, and is often used as a shorthand for "sword and sandal" films, although it can also refer to films in other genres, such as King Kong.

How does a TV show about a stupid cat that has misadventures have anything to do with an epic?

I hope at least a few idiots learned something from this because I'm getting a little annoyed with noobs going, "lol o ya i saw that youtube vid about making a cup out of paper, it was epic." Shut up, no it wasn't, there was nothing epic about it at all so learn what you're talking about before you open up your god damn mouth.


wouldent felix giving everyone gold devalue it? this would create a much worse off world because the rich would automaticaly switch to another form of currency, or just reside on their already overflowing coffers for the rest of their lifes, at this point felix's goose has caused a problem similer to the one we have today. There is an excess of trash, for felix there is an excess of gold, it cannot be used practicaly in the betterment of socity because it cannot be used to build anything. generations later they will have gotten rid of the gold and it will come into use with the discovery of electicity. at that point we will relize that felix's goose has NEGITIVE efficency and the universe explodes... thanks felix. richard.