Author Topic: Fixing the damn Set Clear terrain tool  (Read 900 times)

Ya, so basically, the Set Clear terrain tool which makes the terrain disappear in a given terrain tile is really buggy. It will only let me clear about 50 or so tiles before it stops working. When I load it after that, some of the cleared tiles reappear.

Has anyone got a fix for this?

Because without a planets map 2.0  :(

Wait, Planets 2.0 is supposed to have a terrain block instead of an interior on each planet?
Or you are trying to delete the terrain from flatlands.ect?

It don't work at all for me :(

Planets map 2.0 will have terrain blocks for planets as interiors are too buggy for my tastes and the use of terrain will allow for variety. Problem is, I need to set clear all terrain other than that of the planets.

I'm not sure if there is some limit defined somewhere in the engine code, but right now it won't let me clear more than a few squares of the map.

Funny thing guys....


Seriously...anyone got a fix?

Nope, Even i tried the same thing when i was making my private single-planet map D:
Interiors is the only way without engine changes.

forget interiors. They are glitchy as hell, don't respond to light effectively and are difficult to work with if you are making anything other than simple geometric shapes.

No Planets 2.0 for anyone ;_;