Author Topic: Red Ring Questions  (Read 2230 times)


Well, my xbox just got red ring'd (D:), and I wanted to ask if anyone knew how long it takes to deliver / repair it. Also, only one of the three normally lit lights on the ring are red, the others are off. This isn't normal and the website doesn't have anything about it, as far as I can see.


Pointless post, gtfo. I don't need to be warned of friends flaming me because of what console I own and the problems it has. I know they shall come, but I don't care.


"I'm gonna go play some GTA IV"

"omg red ringed"


It took about a month for me

Which quarters are red?



"I'm gonna go play some GTA IV"

"omg red ringed"


Worked all day, about 5 hours after I said that. Then I turned it off and took a break. A few minutes later, OFUKREDRINGFU.

The bottom right one is red; it is the E 74 error. Called Xbox Support, they told me I forgeted the AV power cable up.

I heard that wrapping your Xbox 360 in a blanket and turning it on for a while should fix it, if only temporarily. From what I understand the problem comes from bad soldering. Basically the solder cracks and the connections become broken. By overheating it you re-melt the solder.

So you can try that before sending it out.


I don't know if that's a good idea, Skele. The whole point of having holes in the thing is so that vital components don't overheat.

I tried the towel trick when I got red-ringed and it lasted about a week longer. All you do is wrap your 360 in enough towels to cover all of the vents so that it will overheat (which I think temporarily fixes the soldering problem) and turn it on. After leaving it on for a few minutes, turn off the 360 and unwrap it. It will be incredibly hot, but that is normal. After it cools down, turn it on again and try playing it.

Although, if only one of the four quarters is lit then maybe it is just some error with the cables or something like that - it should be in your manual. If it isn't try contacting Microsoft.

If they hadn't tried to shove all the technology into such a small damn box them maybe it wouldn't overheat all the time and sound like a jet turbine powering up. I swear, the must assume we all live in 5' x 5' rooms or something...I wouldn't mind having a large console with more room for heat dissipation.


My xbox still takes up an alarmingly large percentage of the volume in my apartment, which is why I got a new laptop instead of a desktop.

I saw a video of a guy hitting a red ring'd 360.

After he turned it on, It worked again.

Maybe I should do that to the fanboys, maybe their brains will work...

Maybe I should do that to the fanboys, maybe their brains will work...
Real helpful, Nintenboy.

Rex, should you not just sell it to some unknowing fool and buy another?