Author Topic: Hmmm... so thats what a playlist is for.  (Read 3109 times)

I always knew iTunes could do playlists, but I never thought about why. I only thought of them as a way to put the songs you like more than others in a special place to help find them. Somehow it finally dawned on me that I can organize my songs on how they sound to make different play lists I can listen to depending on my mood. This was a nifty discovery, but then I also noticed that I can not only make play lists with certain songs, but put them in an order in that play list so it tells a story. Ain't that nifty?

You should make a blog.

You always make the most random yet enjoyable life relating threads.
Make a blog. You could get money, it's a faster way to tell people about your life and all, plus it's fun.
I'd read it. :D

Do you really seriously suddenly realize this stuff out of the blue? I mean this is obvious stuff and you always make a huge deal saying "I just figured out why." I actually doubt if you suddenly realize this and you don't just do this to seem funny.

I don't mean to sound like an ass but this is like the fifth time you've done something like this

I don't get it, aren't you two in the same house? If so, walk over there and ask him. :cookieMonster:

I don't get it, aren't you two in the same house? If so, walk over there and ask him. :cookieMonster:
I'm in another state right now.

@Koden: Honostly I do just get these things. Like I understand them and all for an indefinate period. It is just the point where I understand "why" that I find enjoyment in.

@Part: I have a myspace blog but never actually post anything about my life.

I feel a chant coming on!

Make a blog!

      Make a blog!

Make a blog!


Make a real blog!

@Part: I have a myspace blog but never actually post anything about my life.
Sucks that you have to sign up to do anything on that website.
Make a real blog. >:(

How? Where? What point would it serve? Who would even care to read it anyways?

How did I link the other topic? I contributed and simply want you to start a blog so you don't end up with 50 + new threads every week.

How? Where? What point would it serve? Who would even care to read it anyways?
1. Power of google, web hosting and the internet?
2. Say what?
3. To tell people about all sorts of things. Same purpose as these threads I guess. + Money
4. Anyone that enjoys blogs, can relate to the subject, or knows you.

Meh, but if I do anything official like that I would get bored of it and just quit eventually.