Author Topic: Pingpeppy's Rant on Raids  (Read 1732 times)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but do these "raids" from Roblox actually bother anyone?

Are they supposed to be annoying in some way?

What are they trying to accomplish, prove that they can make posts? Pwned?

Personally, I couldn't care less. We already have so much spam coming from within the forum; a little more from some nine year olds from Roblox isn't gonna hurt any.

I'm not saying I approve of spam, but you would think we'd be immune to it by now...

And now some people have sunk to "raiding" their forums? Get a life.

Let this fad die, people.

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Don't try to reason with idiotic 9 year-olds.

Oh hey cool, You're the 100th person to make a thread about this! You win: (drumroll) A FREE TOUR OF ROBLOX!

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LOL @ that site.

Hardly a rant. Really. A rant must contain at least two full sized paragraphs for anyone to even attempt giving a stuff about what you say.

How about we cover all the "R"s in raid with our mouse and see what this becomes?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but do these "raids" from Roblox actually bother anyone?

Are they supposed to be annoying in some way?

What are they trying to accomplish, prove that they can make posts? Pwned?

Personally, I couldn't care less. We already have so much spam coming from within the forum; a little more from some nine year olds from Roblox isn't gonna hurt any.

I'm not saying I approve of spam, but you would think we'd be immune to it by now...

And now some people have sunk to "raiding" their forums? Get a life.

Let this fad die, people.

Too bad he/she/it didn't use the word raids enough....

For comedys sake let us change the word spam to raid, ok? But just so it is even more humorous I will let you do this your self.

I personally like the fifth line the best (If you follow the two rules for turning anti raid posts into comides).
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 09:48:45 PM by Lt Chub Chub »