Author Topic: Project A  (Read 3984 times)

revolutionary rendering system that is handled by supercomputers. And their new water rendering system that will totally remove all lag from the game.
dont forget they wanted to render all graphics on that supercomputer network and stream a feed of the game to the player.

that would be the dream of a guy that has a super stuffty computer. as probuilder has shown he has.

or about their rendering of absolutely nothing by not rendering it. Pro said in Aph's server that they will render everything by not doing so and render every invisible thing instead.

or about their rendering of absolutely nothing by not rendering it. Pro said in Aph's server that they will render everything by not doing so and render every invisible thing instead.
Wouldn't that slow it down because theres more invisible than there is visible? [/joke]

If anyone wants to laugh at probuilder come to bisjac's server. Probuilder is there and is now saying that the objects they will use to build will be better than the HL2 objects. His stupidity is hilarious

Ya know, rending things invisible is probably less effective than NOT RENDERING THEM AT ALL.

Probuilder sucks, he cant even build good

One time he said he lived in the White House =_=

Yesterday I had a nice long chat with him about Project A. Turns out he's 15, Sigfig (their only coder who has to re-write the Source engine networking and rendering) is 14. You can see clearly why this will never ever work.

Their master plan is to establish a network of computers which will give the processing power of a supercomputer. The server will then pump details out to this network where the details will be processed, rendered, and all the users will then be sent the rendering. So they're planning to download 1024x768 high-res images at a rate of about 40 per second (for a decent framerate).

I really can't see how anyone could ever take this seriously now.


And he claims that it takes "Advanced high-school level calculations" to build the cradle.

Worse, they never got anywhere on using any textures and models that weren't supplied with HL2.
Probuilder's an attention-whoring idiot who thrives off the attention he receives from telling everyone about his fabrications.

And he claims that it takes "Advanced high-school level calculations" to build the cradle.
Have you seen his retail antenna cradle? It's god awful, because its impossible to replicate something from 0002 using a different building system that includes stretching and rotating bricks to whatever way you want.