Author Topic: Most discusting thing done around the house  (Read 3524 times)

I had to clean up my cat's vomit from the kitchen floor.  What made it sick was it looked just like pancake batter, in a perfect circle and all around it was clear thicker fluid.  I gagged the whole time.

what was it?

Bodies, a lot of animal bodies. Birds, squirells, lizards, things so rotten that I had no idea what they were. Animal droppings everywhere. Boken nest and eggs. It was like a loving battle went on in there.

having to replace the liner in my pool, the broken liner has been on for about 7 years, when we pulled it up there was 7 years of who knows what growing under there.

My turtle threw up in his water in his tank and I had to clean out the entire tank and wash all the gravel and things, then I had to add new water, after that I had to clean the turtle.

i stepped in dogstuff barefoot, slipped and ate some. yumm XC

i stepped in dogstuff barefoot, slipped and ate some. yumm XC
God's way of saying he hates you.

Taking out garbage, and putting it in a bin that hasn't been picked up for WEEKS.

It smelled like a dead body once.

When my dog takes a dump or pees, he likes to walk. Especially if it's in the house. You know how hard it is to clean up a TRAIL of liquid crap? IT'S HARDER THAN YOU THINK.

When my dog takes a dump or pees, he likes to walk. Especially if it's in the house. You know how hard it is to clean up a TRAIL of liquid crap? IT'S HARDER THAN YOU THINK.
I lold.

my friends dog stuffs in de road

my friends dog stuffs in de road
My dog pees on the concrete in my back yard, in front of the door.  I almost stepped in it once.

Piss on my bathroom floor its hard to aim or im to lazy lol? anyways it kinda smells i should clean it up.

the cats vomit everywhere but somewhere its easy to clean.

my dog peed on my stereo >_<