Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 1001563 times)

You get ice cream (note: that ain't filtered one)

* Masterlegodude inserts the video his avatar's from

You get it on DVD
* travismick inserts some razors.

You get

*Aviv inserts Young Link.

lol topic says its locked even though it's not =O

I hope you don't mean me...

* Junior inserts the people not following rules :P

Cause (T)odSnake is no longer active

You get Metalhed592, myself (only once), and Masterlegodude (only once)
* travismick inserts a noob

you get Jerry Springer

* Junior inserts a empty Sunkist can

You get a full one.
* travismick me inserts that guy from Escape the Fate.

You get the guy from The Matrix

* Masterlegodude inserts his wish list for Christmas

You get Santa Claus.

* SomeNoob inserts a black T-Shirt.