Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)

Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 902829 times)

You quote your self

* Packer inserts Monopoly doller Bill.

You get 500 monopoly dollars.

* Venom inserts an stuffhead.

You get crap thrown back at you in small but painful blasts.

* Grim Ant inserts dermits.

You get Kermit the Frog.

* Venom inserts a fat bitch.

You get n00b spam.

* Venom inserts flames.

you get a very disgruntled felix

* nige111 inserts an improbability drive

You get SUPER Riddler

* Otis Da HousKat inserts an old generation 2 ipod.

you get a:
Not Found
The requested URL /images/wallpaper/warposters/captain-america-vs-Riddler.jpg" was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.34 Server at Port 80

* nige111 inserts a pie

You get some pie crumples.

*Red Penguin inserts air

you get an angry air elemental, about to hand you your ass on a plate!

* nige111 inserts red penguins ass (remains)

You get Blocko Minifig version of  :cookieMonster:.

 *-=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts a Blockland Vending Machine I found

You got pwned

* techhut inserts felix into machine.

You get 2000 Felix's

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts technut's PC

well this is a peice of junk

*inserts rotten turnip