Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 902838 times)

you get a rotten pumpkin.

felix inserts an old fashioned butter churner with XP 3000 attachments.

You get TMC to do it right and give me something for technuts PC.

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts TMC's head into the butter churner and puts it into the vending machine

You get a mushy TMC head with a whipped cream filling

*Inserts a syringe

You get your butt wiped with the syringe. You can't find a trash can to put the poopy syringe in.

*Inserts the poopy syringe.

The turnip implodes then explodes

* Grim Ant inserts GTA:SA

You get HIV.

*-=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts my own head (it's still attached to me)

your head gets ripped off

* Grim Ant inserts monkey hand

You get more HIV and a dead body.

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts Grim Ant's diseased body

You get SARS

*inserts chicken from China

you get deserted on a desert island

* snot2 inserts deer

You get spam

*inserts Boobs (still attached to woman)

You get your grandma's boobs (still attached to her).

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts HIV

You get fun monkey dissese

*inserts a bag of shrooms

you get the AID

* Grim Ant inserts PSP

You get a DS. Plus  :cookie: x1,000!

You insert the cookie(s).