Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 1012115 times)

you get me.
I insert a pencil.

You get a chewed up pencil.
I put in a hooker.

and a lot of fishing line comes out.
* Tom Gunn inserts g-man

Gman doesn't fit, and he instead walks away.
* Lil Robot inserts one quarter.
Tom Gunn stole my first fad avatar :<

A grenade falls into your hand and explodes

Fjeld inserts one Fjcoin

You get your Fjcoin back a letter saying "WTF is this stuff?"

Lolzorz mcgee puts in a member of PEDA.

You get your Fjcoin back a letter saying "WTF is this stuff?"

Lolzorz mcgee puts in a member of PEDA.
You get a dead cat back

Fj inserts a condom

You get an Asian woman.
* CHEESE inserts a hunk of flesh.

You get an Asian woman.
* CHEESE inserts a hunk of flesh.
you get a headcrab
inserts 7 fishes

you get 12 loaves of broken bread
* Tom Gunn inserts BAdspot

you get trainman1. (ooooooohhh)

*Joeboy inserts a handheld flying device

You get nothing

Draco breaks the vending machine

the vending machine repairs itself and then sends out a terminator to get you

*inserts the a-team van

you get a crazy foo.

*inserts Dracosoul for being unimaginative
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 12:20:24 PM by Joeboy »

the vending machine spits him out into a barral of acid

*inserts crazy foo