Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 875344 times)

You get a time machine.

*Inserts all of Runescape

You get Maple Story

* masterlegodude inserts Fat Albert

You get Thin Albert!

*Inserts iPood

You get HL2

/ne inserts Phat Albert

You get cooly challenged Albert!

* Mario7121 Inserts earwax

u get a candle

*scratch puts in a dollar

you get a different dollar

* ladios inserts a coupon for 20 free coca-colas

You get a ??????

* masterlegodude inserts the Omnitrix

You get a crappy show!

* Mario7121 Inserts some pocket lint

you get a hobo

* maor.m inserts an atom bomb

You get atom boobs.

* SomeNoob inserts Germany.

You get Riddler!

* Mario7121 Inserts my dog's puke


You get caek.

* Rex inserts moar caek

you get  :iceCream:

    *Junior jumps in the machine!