Author Topic: Clan [USSR]  (Read 112762 times)

there are a couple conditions in order to join.
1st. never spam any other servers if you join, spamming will give clan [ussr] a bad name.

2nd. you must be an above average builder, we do not recruit everyone, you have to show ether me or diggy your best builds, via : pictures or invite to server. (use of editor wand, the ability to reduce lagg when necisary, detail)

3rd. please dont be noobish (even good builders can act noobish) being noobish includes, TYPING LIKE THIS!!!11, tlkng lke ths, and NOT being disrespectful to admins/other clan memers. i have seen people in clans who act like arses just because they are in a popular clan (USSR is hardly popular... yet...>_>)

:Suggestions for clan members:
try and look russian, my user is a pirate, BUT hes red and yellow with a shovel (a symbol of the working class). Why, because red  and yellow are comunist colors and this is United Socialist Soviet Republic (ussr)

be helpfull to the Newbies, and by that i mean, the new people to blockland who dont act like total tards, if they ask a question about, say "how to make movers swing" or using the editer wand,  help them, as long as they dont ask like this "OMG I CNTA USE TEH EIDT WADN!!! HPLE!!1111"
this goes for all people who want to join clan USSR. follow thes rules and be a good builder and you too can be part of the comunity!

what happened to the build you were setting up

My clan ( The (IM) Clan ) Would gladly ally your clan. Welcome to RTB Russian Comrad!

My clan ( The (IM) Clan ) Would gladly ally your clan. Welcome to RTB Russian Comrad!
LOL and i wanna join

*allies* :cookieMonster:
there was a build held today, which i will post some of the things built in it. tomorrow maybie. if you want to join show me some screens of what you HAVE built, or you can try and find me on blockland and build and i can judge that.

I'll start an entry build, I really like the sound of this clan.  ^^

for Mother Russia.

Add the communisum touch to it.

Well duh... XD!
yes builds must have a ussr theme.

Nvm, and oh yeah there's a guy who keeps on doing weird stuff on you war server. His name's |\Robin/| or something. And what is so good about the USSR? I think the NATO is better.

NATO may be better, but i dont really give a crap, this is a small clan. we just build. and may clans would be throught of as "better"

you should also not use defult guns they suck. You need AK-47s or MGs there is no commie effect to have a blaster for a defult weapon. And if you want I am makeing some guns but they will not be avaliable to the public.

Flash: about the guy who spammed your server; I dont think it was our Ronin. Probably some noob imposter.

Hey [USSR], My entry build is nearing completion, and I need to know; should I post it in the Gallery?  What should the title be?  Any and all info is appreciated.

post your entry build in the gallery, and just name it what it is, just type IN the post somewhere that it is for the ussr

Hey Face can you put a member list on the first post?