Author Topic: Um, is this the right place?  (Read 6151 times)

Hi guyz =D
Just thought i would introduce myself.
i'm uh, 16 years old,
I play drums and piano, and suck at both. i like 2 draw anime from time to time..
Anyway, Hi, Blockland ;D
(If this isn't the right forum, Please tell me where to do this.)

Well, this was a disappointment. you suck :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 04:11:14 PM by Sal Sagev »

I love how you had to think for a sec about how old you are.

I like typing U and H.
its initials is for U HAVAIDS.
Okay, that sucked. so yeah, i typed Uh. don't you type Uh? i bet you do.
Crawl into a hole and die. then you'll moan and go UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
*shot multiple times*

Way to go idiot, you just lost all of my respect...

Ah, the fresh scent of being flamed. :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 05:18:26 PM by Sal Sagev »

Can I predict the outcomes of idiots or what? I jsut knew it that he would not care.

I don't even know you.
And i don't think i want to.

But it is fun to play with me. D:

....That sounded a little wrong.

Aviv is being extremely handicapped today.

Just ignore him and he might go away.

I'm always handicapped. :cookieMonster: