Author Topic: Making a slash command that sends a bottom print message to all players?  (Read 2548 times)

If i did that with the Headcrab, that would be one BIG Headcrab...

Well, putting to proportion with our minifig's, duh...SO DO IT D:

I have 2 zombie decals, both are named Zombie, i don't know if that is a problem, here's a screenshot of the headcrab and the decals


It changes the color of the entire body, but i think it looks a tad better like that, and yay for sucky Paint.NET skills, the headcrab also looks better in game, the top view of it seems as if i were playing HL2 or Gmod :D
I thought the Headcrab COVERED the head o.o
it does like a full face helm

The hell, you bumped it with a forgeted up quote. Why does it say I said that? You forgeted up his quote with my quote info O.o

Mother Headcrab. Noa pls.