Author Topic: Blockland For Canada And United State?  (Read 3109 times)

In Australia we have boats and travel the world to beat people up too.
He's right you know. I just got back from beating on some sheep-shaggers over in NZ, next week I'm off to get some chinks.

He's right you know. I just got back from beating on some sheep-shaggers over in NZ, next week I'm off to get some chinks.
Hahaha Good old pusillanimous individual Aussies. They do nothing but lie and beat up kangaroos in their 3rd world country.

Hahaha Good old pusillanimous individual Aussies. They do nothing but lie and beat up kangaroos in their 3rd world country.
Oi! Wanker!

We don't beat up Kangaroos. :( Kangaroos are cool. They deliver the mail.

Oi! Wanker!

We don't beat up Kangaroos. :( Kangaroos are cool. They deliver the mail.
Oh that's right, I beat up kangaroos when I visit your 3rd World country.
They deliver mail? Good use of them mouses....
also you cheeky arsehole, Just be glad I don't beat your ass you flank righto bloody aussie!

Oh that's right, I beat up kangaroos when I visit your 3rd World country.
They deliver mail? Good use of them mouses....
also you cheeky arsehole, Just be glad I don't beat your ass you flank righto bloody aussie!
Nice work hotshot, racism as well? I thought better of you.

Hahaha Good old pusillanimous individual Aussies. They do nothing but lie and beat up kangaroos in their 3rd world country.
forget you.
They have new south wales :D

Go back to your god Mcdonalds and explode due to too much comfort food



He's right you know. I just got back from beating on some sheep-shaggers over in NZ, next week I'm off to get some chinks.

In Asia, we go over Australia and get our katanas, and other asian weapons to chop up your richards and rape your girl friends.

Help!I Recently bought blockland by money order but i dont know when its gonna come!

Just wait, the world doesn't revolve around you.

Just wait, the world doesn't revolve around you.
He knows that..It revolves around trader apparently.

Why do you have 2 active accounts?

In Asia, we go over Australia and get our katanas, and other asian weapons to chop up your richards and rape your girl friends.

No, you come and take all our maths classes then either skidaddle back to whence you came or take all our boring yet high paying jobs.