Author Topic: *New Weapon* Master Rifle V2  (Read 34161 times)

I dont see how it can get any more blocky and the barrel is not even the real size its smaller and if I make it smaller then it already is it would be touching the green and it would look bad so i think its fine how it is.

Yum, a SAKO TRG, how lovey. :D

Definitely using this, good job. :D

This is going to be great for my SWAT Team DM 7  :cookie:'s for you

This faster than the sniper, like the Barret 50?

I added item icons for all and made the bullet faster for all so if you downloaded before please download again.

Wheres brown? thats my favorite

if you really want brown download green open the body texture with  photoshop or somthing and change it to a brown.

if you really want brown download green open the body texture with  photoshop or somthing and change it to a brown.
Ok, but you should make the whole gun just a bit thicker, then it would be perfect. I think its a bit short too.

This faster than the sniper, like the Barret 50?

No it's slower by like 1.5secs. But the master rifle is faster then kaje's rifle.

Did you try the new one ? I updated it.

awesome  :iceCream: for you and  :cookie:'s

this is very good but I liked the Barret M82 that someone made during V8 but ill dl

sniff made the barret.

This may sound a bit strange but, Could you perhaps make it so I can have all of the rifles on? I just don't want Green I want them all, but when I go to my add-ons I check them off but only the Green one shows up ingame