Post your wishlist for v10 here!

Author Topic: Post your wishlist for v10 here!  (Read 2018 times)

You read the title! Post your wishlist for v10 here!

Heres mine;
1:The old wrench events system
2:The Duplicator
3:More maps
4:A map for rpgs
5:The high speed mini game mode

I will not even think that far ahead.

V9 just came out, give Badspot a break from your whinning. If you want those things, either wait for them to come out for V9 or make them yourself.

Why would you want the old events system? Also you can just make a RPG map yourself and the duplicator.

Default mini is usefull.

Heres mine;
1:The old wrench events system
2:The Duplicator

3:More maps
4:A map for rpgs
5:The high speed mini game mode
The old wrench events system was based off of the current system by a member of the community, get used to the 'new' one. The duplicator is an add-on which you can download yourself in the add-ons section. I don't know what the high speed mini game mode is.

1:The old wrench events system
2:The Duplicator
3:More maps
4:A map for rpgs
5:The high speed mini game mode

There's no old wrench events system. There's this one and there's a hacky mod.
The duplicator is a user made mod.
Make some maps.
Make some RPG maps.
What are you talking about?

v10 will only be a patch to fix the bugs from v9.
1: forget no
2: no
3: no
4: no
5: what

4:A map for rpgs

I feel people have lost site of what this game is about.  It's about building with virtual "legos" and the occasional deathmatch to blow off some steam. NOT Rpgs.  Why would you even want to Rpg in this game the graphics are way to poor for rpging play a game like WoW or Runescape.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2008, 10:39:32 PM by DominicTheDonkey »

v10 will only be a patch to fix the bugs from v9.
1: forget no
2: no
3: no
4: no
5: what

Wouldn't it just be better to make a v9.1 patch to fix all bugs? It's quicker to.

The graphics in blockland are fine, what are you talking about.

Also, Runescape sucks.

The main reason RPGs are done in Blockland is that it is fairly open-ended and the sandbox genre is good for recreating all the other genres. With the building you can even build the rpg yourself or incorporate town building systems and such.

Also, why would a v9.1 patch be quicker than skippig to v10?

v10 would be quicker because it has 3 characters, whereas v9.1 has 4. Other than that, there's no difference, its just what you call it.

Your an idiot, you moan that V9 won't come out and when it does, you moan about V10. Someone get his ID pl0x.

5:The high speed mini game mode

Type /timescale 2 next time you're host.

My wish list is that you leave forever :)

1: Get used to the new one, space is never going to release the old one, it is fail compared to this one.
2: U shuld lern 2 lewk in add ons sectionz.
3: U shuld also lern 2 lewk in maps sectionz
4: Use a map we have... and build on it... there, you have the stuff for your rpg, now you just need a mod (good luck with that)
5: There is a little thing called timescale.  Next time you are host, and have a minigame, type /timescale 2...