
Do you think you would like to join LT?


Author Topic: Labtech.  (Read 8879 times)

Guys- Sorry I’m not on much, but I’m not on summer forgetin’ break. Ok looks cool may look at it when I get the time. I found a sweet game called Perfect world. Yessir. And don’t replace meh with Maxxuss! :C

Guys- Sorry I’m not on much, but I’m not on summer forgetin’ break. Ok looks cool may look at it when I get the time. I found a sweet game called Perfect world. Yessir. And don’t replace meh with Maxxuss! :C
feep if anyone replaces u its orthone then i'll overthrough orth then maxx will take over me!

P.S. i like the newer decal harvey, but try to use the clan colors (red and Black)

feep if anyone replaces u its orthone then i'll overthrough orth then maxx will take over me!

P.S. i like the newer decal harvey, but try to use the clan colors (red and Black)

Will do, i'll make another now.

New one:

It's simpler then the last one but i think it came out well.

well, i would like to join, but my parents put me on a "game break" like i'm a baby...   so it'll be until at least the 6th of this month until i can go to the server.  btw, when will the server be open each day?? i couldn't seem to find it when i could get on, and i was on now cause i told my dad i was gonna listen to music. well, thx, remember,  :cookie:'s for the one who let's me in the clan.

well, i would like to join, but my parents put me on a "game break" like i'm a baby...   so it'll be until at least the 6th of this month until i can go to the server.  btw, when will the server be open each day?? i couldn't seem to find it when i could get on, and i was on now cause i told my dad i was gonna listen to music. well, thx, remember,  :cookie:'s for the one who let's me in the clan.
wait a sec, i think you let me in once, remember maxuss???
i think you did, remember? i wanted to get in bad, once i got in as part of the group, you kept accidentally hitting me with the deadly gasses, remember?? it might have been someone else who let me in, but it was probably maxuss.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 02:03:07 PM by stargazer487 »

wait a sec, i think you let me in once, remember maxuss???
i think you did, remember? i wanted to get in bad, once i got in as part of the group, you kept accidentally hitting me with the deadly gasses, remember?? it might have been someone else who let me in, but it was probably maxuss.

wait a sec, i think you let me in once, remember maxuss???
i think you did, remember? i wanted to get in bad, once i got in as part of the group, you kept accidentally hitting me with the deadly gasses, remember?? it might have been someone else who let me in, but it was probably maxuss.

Stop spamming. If you want to join come to the recruiting servers at 5:00 est

Maxxuss, I get home at around 3:30 wst... -.-

Updated first page and here some cool stuff.

Supafly- A word i made up, Yet someone else somehow made it up before me- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV7TVNH2qks Nice song, wierd video.

Perfect world- A fun fun game long download. I sometimes play as mah two characters, Woople or lilydora.- http://www.perfectworld.com.my/

And i get home @ 4:00 eastern i think? But i sometimes has a lot' O homework. Andi have the greatest invention for an elevator.