Author Topic: Rocket Launcher DM  (Read 1308 times)

Rocket Launcher DM
By: Lolburt (5025)

This is basicly just a box with a lava pit at the bottom. The goal of the game is to destroy the tiles benieth the oposing player to send him down to the lava pit. It isn't all that good at looks but its fun.

The main thing you would want to worry about is jumping and moving. At anytime could someone shoot you without you knowing so keep your gaurd out. Everything isn't just about shooting and dodging. In the middle is a trigger that ,if shot, shoots out a bombard of mini rockets to give extra score or to help defeat enemies. Jet fuel is found over the map that gives you the ability to use jets for 30 seconds.

Set up:
When I start my mini I check off: weapon dmg and self dmg so the only way to beat your oponant is to destroy their floor. When killed i subtract 150 points and when you destroy a brick you gain 1 point. This is the best options to start your mini.

Mr.Block - Bombard Events
Darkstride - testing
Captain Jack - Testing
Knorz - Testing

nice dm :cookieMonster: but it looks a bit plain.othwerwise good.take a cookie as a reward :cookie:

nice dm :cookieMonster: but it looks a bit plain.
I built this at like 12 am so I was too lazy to add color but I might later on

Add places to hide in.
Nah, I tried that and it didn't work so well

To basic and to unoriginal.

needs less squere moar details.