Author Topic: The sirrus house. Take 2.  (Read 2159 times)

Alright, I've taken the formula from my old house/outpost thingy and applied to a smaller, more compact house. I think the aesthetics are much better on a smaller scale, and I also significantly fleshed out the porch.

x/10 and C & C, please.


-quick note on the pictures.-
It was built in Slate, but I imported it to Kitchen for a nice backdrop.
Also note that I haven't finished painting it, or rather, I haven't started. If you would, suggestions on the color, please?

The front of the house with me modeling the wraparound porch.

The side of the house. Nothing special that you won't get in the other pictures.

The backside of the house, nicely displaying the back porch & chimney.

The... other backside of the house. Shows the end of the wraparound porch and a view of the kitchen window.

This was the original that I got the idea from. I included it just to show you the difference in sizes. This green abomination was built on a 64x64 plate, whereas the house displayed here is on a 32x32 plate (not including garage and porch.)

I also plan on applying to a clan with the houses pictured in pictures 1-4, any suggestions on which clan would take it, or what I could change to get into a bigger clan?

« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 12:25:02 AM by Sirrus »

I really like the second one.... but it needs a little more color. May I rate?

I really like the second one.... but it needs a little more color. May I rate?
The first four pictures are all of the same thing.
And yes, please rate.

Lol. I meant second as in the second house. :P   

I'd say its a 8.5/10

If you add color its a 9/10

Lol. I meant second as in the second house. :P   

I'd say its a 8.5/10

If you add color its a 9/10
Thanks, I'll paint it tomorrow, I'm wasted tired right now.

pretty cool, definitely better than the original, but, my god... what's up with the pictures? is your game quality really low?

pretty cool, definitely better than the original, but, my god... what's up with the pictures? is your game quality really low?
Pretty much the lowest quality screenshots possible.
I'll take some High Res ones, if you want one.

Okay, I took four screenshots in the highest quality I could without my computer breaking.

I won't introduce the screenshots, if that's okay with you.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 12:24:23 AM by Sirrus »


...Okay, I took four screenshots in the highest quality I could without my computer breaking...

They are still fuzzy. And you, sir, need a better computer.

They are still fuzzy. And you, sir, need a better computer.
I do, need a MUCH better computer.


use the megashot

or just for screenshot use, up all the graphics settings.
2fps is good enough to pose a still shot lol

Ha ha ha, I'm flattered that you took the time :P