Author Topic: People who port other's works to v9  (Read 1946 times)

Man. Why are people currently porting other people's add-ons and the like since v9 came out? Don't do it if there's even a remote chance that the original author will come back and do it himself, unless you have a sign of approval from that author.

My concern is that the person who repackages said add-on either breaks or does it incompetently, gives it an improper file name, or just plain does it differently from how the original author would've done it himself.

Man. Why are people currently porting other people's add-ons and the like since v9 came out?
They think they'll be famous if they repackage somebody's work. Like that guy who tried to do the zombie mod.

I'm not really that bothered about whether the addons are ported correctly, I just wish they would stop porting all the crappy ones.

I mean, do we really need to see all those damn repetitive guns all over again? V9 is a chance to start over from scratch, why revive all the filth?

haha you registered 5 days before me :o

I mean, do we really need to see all those damn repetitive guns all over again?

about a quarter of the addons of v8 were crappy guns, the only guns we need are sniffs weapons.(barret rifle p90 and that other one)

about a quarter of the addons of v8 were crappy guns, the only guns we need are sniffs weapons.(barret rifle p90 and that other one)

Those are a perfect example of the kind of crap we don't need resurrected. Maybe they are realistic, but they don't add anything decent to the gameplay and they certainly aren't an improvement over the existing weapons.

The worst example that comes to mind is that damn handicapped set of Golden Eye weapons that Sniff had loaded onto his server, every loving gun was the same loving thing with a different mesh.

Wanted by me:
  Portal Gun
  JVS Portals

Used by me, properly ported:
  JVS Doors

Used by me, ported, but still has bugs:
  MultiTool Gun and Wand.

Not used by me, but still good.
  Those Custom Hats
  Stunt Plane

Not needed anymore but still where good:
  Wrench Events

I think those are addons that change the gameplay in a nice way.
There are more, of cause, but those are the ones that come to my mind.

And for the topic:

I think people should stop posting ported stuff in the add-ons section, if they want something ported, they should do it themselfs, or wait for the original author to do it.

I think people should stop posting ported stuff in the add-ons section, if they want something ported, they should do it themselfs,
I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here... Don't port other people's add-ons, but do port them?...

Or are you saying just keep your own ports of other people's addons for yourself, but don't publicise them?

Keep ports to yourself is the gist of it.

And I agree with that.

Keep ports to yourself is the gist of it.

And I agree with that.
QFT and with most of the above post besides Zaie and some of reactor worker's post.

I say that the barrette M82, SMG, P90, and some other guns are needed. Those where the good ones but the rest are unneeded.

I don't see what the big deal about this is.

There is nothing wrong with porting someone elses add-on if:

  • If the original author is active, ask if you can port it, and then credit the author.
  • If the original author is inactive, credit the author.
  • Make sure it works.
  • Don't do an awful job.
  • Don't port something that is downright horrible or overdone.