Author Topic: Dah Bomb's Guide to Wrench Events  (Read 930 times)

Ok, I know that there are other Wrench Event guides, but they do not use correct grammar, so here is mine.

Multiple Rocket Launcher
1. Make 9 slanted print bricks.
2. Print them all to the letter O.
3. Hit every brick with the WRENCH and type 1 for the brick description
4. Do the same as 3 on all of the print bricks.
5. Make a trigger by making a small brick.
6. Hit the trigger with the wrench.
7. Go to events.
8. Click OnActivate, <NamedBrick>, 1, Spawn Projectile, and for this, rockets.
9. Type anything in the first three boxes.11.

The first three boxes are XYZ and XYZ are:

X: West or East (Ex. West, 5 0 0 § East, -5 0 0)
Y: North or South (Ex. North, 0 5 0 § South, 0 -5 0)
Z: Up and Down (Ex. Up, 0 0 5 § Down, 0 0 -5)

If you need help on anything, post somthing in this topic about what you need help with and if I can, I will help.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 10:21:29 PM by Dah Bomb »

whats up with that thing everyones doing, where they atthe end of directions say


Profit is the "most" important thing in the universe, right? No one knows how to get profit, right? So, before Profit is ???, no one knows how to get proit.

whats up with that thing everyones doing, where they atthe end of directions say

Because they're all ripping off Badspot.

X: Left or Right (Ex. Left, 5 0 0 § Right, -5 0 0)
Y: Forward or Back (Ex. Forward, 0 5 0 § Back, 0 -5 0)
Z: Up and Down (Ex. Up, 0 0 5 § Down, 0 0 -5)

Uhm, no.
X and Y represent North, South(negative), East, and West(negative).
I am not sure which represents which, but I'll take a guess and say X is East & West(negative) and Y is North and South(negative).

I think you did it wrong.

Nice avatar BTW.

somebody finaly compliments my avitar and thx

oh heres a cool event
0 onactivate>player>datablock>horse
30000 onActivate>player>datablock>standard player
0 onactivate>cilent>centermessage>oh nos! your a horse (for 30 seconds)
30000 onactivate>cilent>centermessage>yourback to normal