Author Topic: Limpfittz's Looking For a Clan =^_^=  (Read 1838 times)


I've made up my mind. I'm gonna join a serious clan. Many of you probably seen my online - as a pink/black space chick. My Blockland ID is 6899 BUT, BUT don't run away like everyone does when they see my ID - I'm a serious, skilled builder with a sence for legos - I played TBM before this, so i know my thing. This is the same thing, only with enhanced graphics. I'm probably better than most of the blockland builders out there.

If there's any clans out there who need a good reputation and a good builder, you should consider me. I don't want to be in some small clan - I'm looking for the big clans.

for thoose who haven't heared of me:

-Serious Builder
-20 years old
-Allways builds with details
-Calm, with a sence of beeing admin
-Previous TBM builder
-Hates people who judge me for my ID

My builds that could work as applications for a clan:

Current Projects:
Epic cathedral

I'm done with tha USSR Application: Epic Cathedral

25-08-08: I got in the USSR clan
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 04:01:29 AM by Limpfittz »

Hi. I took a look and you are a decent builder. You show much potential  as a builder and if you keep it up may be able to join a good bit of the clans here. Just to let you know that it is not the best idea to make a topic about clans or anything like that for others might flame you. You are not MotE or USSR material but you may be able to get into clans like RotB or Pie. Also for future reference. It is not the best idea to mention TBM or Roblox in our forums.

Join TapTapRevolution :P (TTR)


Come hang out in my server, do some building. I am an honorary USSR member, and have hosted their stuff forever. I have been around since 0002, and have always been a serious builder.

Hi. I took a look and you are a decent builder. You show much potential  as a builder and if you keep it up may be able to join a good bit of the clans here. Just to let you know that it is not the best idea to make a topic about clans or anything like that for others might flame you. You are not MotE or USSR material but you may be able to get into clans like RotB or Pie. Also for future reference. It is not the best idea to mention TBM or Roblox in our forums.

I'm not afraid of 12 year old flaming on forums, they're just kids.. I have a very very good selfconfidence and i'm proud of it ;)  I actually think i have potential to get in any clan, i've seen alot of stuffs they posted, and I can build atleast as good as them. and btw, I wont mension that Blockland Mod again - just wanted folks to know I'm a good builder =)

Come hang out in my server, do some building. I am an honorary USSR member, and have hosted their stuff forever. I have been around since 0002, and have always been a serious builder.

Sounds nice ^_^ What's the name of your server, I'll be happy to hang around

Feel free to drop by my servers (Labeled LoserHero - Etc*) as well, I'm a USSR and MotE member.

Just for reference USSR and MotE are known to take their building very seriously so if you are looking for such a thing, drop by.

-Serious Builder
-20 years old
-Allways builds with details
-Previous TBM builder
This explains a lot... there aren't many people that come out of nowhere with an amazing build  :cookieMonster:

I'm probably better than most of the blockland builders out there.

dunt say that it makes people sad D:
does this belong in clan discussion?
whats that face?
awesome builds :D

Well my username is but of course 'Lavish' ingame. I am a member of the clan "USSR" and I've been there for almost a year now. Enough about me, you really do have potential for any clan out there, but just know alot of important things:

1. Use LESS bricks as possible. - In the Church there is alot of 1x5 as the walls and you should use bigger bricks. (Involves in less lag in servers.)
2. Be yourself at all times. - Most USSR members are very intelligent and will through you off guard.
3. To get into USSR, the best way is to make something sooo impressive that not anyone has ever done before.

Well that very much includes my lecture of blockland clan hunting for the USSR. Just keep working at it and you may get somewhere far.

P.S. Oh and one for thing, no matter what you will be dissed

Feel free to drop by my servers (Labeled LoserHero - Etc*) as well, I'm a USSR and MotE member.

Just for reference USSR and MotE are known to take their building very seriously so if you are looking for such a thing, drop by.

Yeah i've heared of both USSR and MotE and i know they're good builders =) I'll make sure to drop by tomorrow (I'm gonna be gone all day today =/ Going to this place :


Well my username is but of course 'Lavish' ingame. I am a member of the clan "USSR" and I've been there for almost a year now. Enough about me, you really do have potential for any clan out there, but just know alot of important things:

1. Use LESS bricks as possible. - In the Church there is alot of 1x5 as the walls and you should use bigger bricks. (Involves in less lag in servers.)
2. Be yourself at all times. - Most USSR members are very intelligent and will through you off guard.
3. To get into USSR, the best way is to make something sooo impressive that not anyone has ever done before.

Well that very much includes my lecture of blockland clan hunting for the USSR. Just keep working at it and you may get somewhere far.

P.S. Oh and one for thing, no matter what you will be dissed

1. I think i've seen you online ... I'm not sure tho. :P
Yeah well I will allways use bigger bricks if i can in big servers - but i made this curch alone in an offline server, and i like details (that includes lots of bricks) But thanks for the tip :D
2. Don't worry about that.. ;)
3. No worries, I have great imagination, and lots of bricks to build with :D mohaha

I met Wizzard yesterday, he was really nice to me, you all are in USSR! It really looks like a good clan... 

BDU accepts you, just fallow the application online!

BDU accepts you, just fallow the application online!
He/She wants a serious clan, not a joke

Piss off Lavish. Don't go all gung-ho and scare someone with actual talent. He doesn't have to join USSR if he doesn't want to.

This whole USSR thing is getting under my skin recently, I don't like it.

Welcome to Blockland, dude.
If you just want a little cool clan then you can go see mine, it's called ET for Expert Teamwork.
But we are serious builders, too. Would be cool to have you. If you wanna join PM me, thainkies. :)