Author Topic: Stolen basketball hoop...  (Read 4100 times)

No specifics yet, but when my neighbor saw the truck, they said it was a couple of darker-skinned guys. I'll probably find out more about it tomorrow.

I want someone to steal my virginaty, sounds like it's an awesome lose.

I got my Skateboard Stolen about 4 weeks Ago :P

Lol I have a Basket Ball Hoop behind my garage some Rednecks were using it and they sucked so I have several dents in my garage door ;-;... Stupid noisy Rednecks

No specifics yet, but when my neighbor saw the truck, they said it was a couple of darker-skinned guys. I'll probably find out more about it tomorrow.
Didnt see that coming [/racism]

Didnt see that coming [/racism]
Somehow I saw that coming. No racism intended.

So they stole a basketball hoop. Don't worry, they stole it for the metal only.

Certain lower class elements even steal complete bridges to sell them as junk metal and get some money to spend at the local inn and have some money to feed 12 children. Guess which lower class elements did I think of?

So they stole a basketball hoop. Don't worry, they stole it for the metal only.

Certain lower class elements even steal complete bridges to sell them as junk metal and get some money to spend at the local inn and have some money to feed 12 children. Guess which lower class elements did I think of?
I own a metal recycling facility. I know alllllll about this stuff.

At one point, some starfish teenagers were stealing stuff fron Garages during the night. Eventually they caught them BECAUSE ONE OF THEM DROPPED THEIR CELLPHONE RUNNING AWAY.

If somone else wouldn't have got them, we would have set up a sting.

No specifics yet, but when my neighbor saw the truck, they said it was a couple of mondays guys. I'll probably find out more about it tomorrow.
Someone actually messaged me on MSN about this thread, explaining how it was a text-book example of when to use the word monday.

some kid stole my yugioh card put it in the toilet and i think he peed on it. meanie:(

I had a first-edition super-rare time wizzard yugioh card that I could sell to collectors for over $20 nowadays. Too bad some friend stole it from me.

some kid stole my yugioh card put it in the toilet and i think he peed on it. meanie:(
Yu-Gi-Oh is for friends, anyways. They probably liked the golden shower.