Author Topic: New Server  (Read 4449 times)

Whoa big difference.  Im changing through the pages and threads and it like pew pew pew

click BOOM click BOOM click BOOM

Thanks for a faster forum!

I cannot search :(

Ye now i can search =)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 03:14:09 AM by Dansegal96 V2 »

So that's what that maintenance was earlier today.


  • Administrator
Picture attachment test


  • Administrator
Neat it makes thumbnails

The Search doesn't seem to work right for me. I've searched 3 times since the update and 2 times, it hasn't returned my search, just a list of randomly organized posts.

Edit: Searched again, Same list. The search is bugged.


  • Administrator

This has thumbnails, no more waiting 2 minutes to load a topic, etc.
Ah, so this is why the forums were 404'd for a while yesterday. Alrighty

Yep, Searching works again :D

Search works now.
One quick question: is there any chance of my getting modify back?

You mean for Help forum?

I mean for every forum. The only two sections I can modify on are Clan Discussion and Off Topic. I would at least like Add-Ons and Maps to let me edit, so I wont be spamming topics every time I make an update.