Author Topic: Clan [DoT]  (Read 28442 times)

:( y have to go mad at me D:< not my falt i liked it i leave!!!!!! mybe D:>
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 03:01:17 PM by arcticfox978 »

ok i want 2 say i am so sry [DoT] im am so pissed off rite now thts all soz i beg for forgivnes (chaos gave me)

Guys please welcome our newest DoT's Healbadbad and Nicole! with healbadbads mech. he got a 31 and Nicoles Cafe building a 35. Welcome to DoT you two!

a cafe' vs a mech...... i say mech owns it. :D and thanks cookie 4 u :cookie:
oh, and i came up w/ the avatar.... thats why its mine

I also want to know if i can host servers at nights ur not here plus help with some minor builds and a "clan base" plus i want to know how to filter out noobs. i started a server saying: DoT members meeting MEMBERS ONLY, NON DOTS WILL BE BANNED plus a warning on the welcome and people still came.

also, can i host clan meetings?

Hmm well maybe heal. Also my City of heroes keeps crashing so...I guess ill fix problem later so ill be playing blockland more again.

Hey chaos am i still in DoT? THis is Beast

I don't know beast im still pissed off at you...

Sniper was being a noob in my non-DoT server, so i banned him for a bit, is that okay?

Lol he was telling me shady that you pissed him off now he's pissed. xD

Guys please help me with the builds, I feel like im doing all the work in this clan and it isn't even my clan! please do somthing with out me or I quit.

i want to join plz (im not begging for it badly) i might not be there but if u tell me the server and if i get enough money (im a kid that doesnt have an allownce yet but if i do get a allownce i will buy it and play online

i dont no how to make mechs but i will search... somewhere... dont know where though

dude plz im gonna start a server u ca do it all there or on ur server idk but plz call it [DoT] build or summit :D illl help ya