Author Topic: Taking song requests! (Closed)  (Read 16866 times)

Voyager- Daft Punk (album discovery) seconds 32-39, or full song. about 6min song if full.
Nice song, nice loop too. :D

Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
Gorillaz is FTW man. >:D
Tell me if you want one of the remixes, I gots like all their CD's, so it'll be no problem. :P

oh can i also have into the ocean :D

oh can i also have into the ocean :D
also my first song request didnt work sorry for the trouble D:

also my first song request didnt work sorry for the trouble D:
How did it not work? Did you download it right/check it off before opening server?

Um, there's isn't really a ood place to loop in that song. Rap songs aren't good for blockland, because they usually just keep rapping throughout the whole thing

it didnt work because i couldnt find it in the music

Thank you for being literate and giving me links. Because of that, I worked hard to make sure these loops were perfect. :D
Four Brave Champions -
How Far We've Come -
{Factory} -
(The link you gave me said "Champions," not "Knights.")

Awesome song choices by the way. :P
Oh, my mistake. Since it was put in Castle Crashers, I put knights.  :cookieMonster:
Thanks for the loops :D

"The Barrel Roll Song" By vladmir356
It's not big, but it's a fun song. Only 16 seconds. I need an ogg loop.
Barrel roll, barrel roll, do a barrel barrel roll. Do a barrel barrel roll, do a barrel roll...
Barrel roll, barrel roll, do a barrel barrel roll. Do a barrel barrel roll, DO A BARREL ROLL!

The Noob Song:(post link here)