Author Topic: Taking song requests! (Closed)  (Read 16954 times)

This works just fine. :D Sorry, but I don't enough time right now.I have to go to school now. I'll do it like 7 hours. :P
O_O YAY! I can't WAIT!

Slither -

BlackDog - As much as I love this song - (And practically every Led Zep song...) - There's really no good looping spot in this song.

Dog Eat Dog - (This song was hard to find a good looping spot... o_o )

Don't Worry Be Happy - (Hm... This sounds a lot like Bob Marly. :P )

thankyou!  :cookie:

hey nicel, could you do this song? the super mario RPG remix, the one with the words... you know...  "super mario-o RPG, you are the only one just for me" so here is the youTube link

nicel can you do Pork? =D

what about badgers?  =D


Congrats, now tell me the name of the song and the author. its called im just a kid and i dont know the author.

by Hellogoodbye
I heard it on newgrounds and it was kool

« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 01:47:45 AM by hotman123 »

How about....The Lego Beer Song  :cookieMonster: Please?

« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 04:04:19 PM by chesse20 »

Nicel has disappeared TT_TT

Cant touch me (Family guy)

Ummmmm....... guys i think what he ment by "school" was for days because he hast posted anything in a while and hi Kratos.

Monsters by Matchbook Romance
from the beginning to about the 18 second mark you should know what i mean cause it should loop perfect

Ummmmm....... guys i think what he ment by "school" was for days because he hast posted anything in a while and hi Kratos.

Did you see that he said he'd do it in about 7 hours???