Author Topic: Blockland Timing Out  (Read 1605 times)

Whenever I try to join a Blockland game, it will get to the end of Loading Objects, and it will wait there for a while, and then it will send me back to the menu screen and this will pop up: Server has dropped the Connection: TimedOut. And that's what happens EVERY time! Is it because me and my brother play together over the same network? (We have separate keys, so don't worry about that.) Please Help! (It runs on the PC!)

My computer has Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2. I have an Intel Pentium III Processor. 930 MHz, and 256 MB of RAM. (Would any of this contribute to my problem?)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 01:01:45 PM by StealthAssassin »

Wow, what a great game!
What console does it run on?

Wow, what a great game!
What console does it run on?

Playstation 4.

Means you lost connection to the server, without being able to tell the server you did.

Cant wait for this, sounds like an epic game :D

Means you lost connection to the server, without being able to tell the server you did.

I don't get it, because I've ALWAYS been able to join ANY game, and now it's just deciding to stuff the forget out on me... >:|

It should be on the help board.

Tell us what console it runs on. We must know!

 I already told you guys, I googled it, and got, "Playstation 4".

  What an idiot.

I am locking this post, because no one will help me.
It's not my fault, it's all YOURS!