Author Topic: fooly coolys pingpong game  (Read 1358 times) this is a lil hard something that fooly cooly and i made some credite goes to me for the idea and the rest goes to fooly cooly sorry if theres no pics just try it its one of the best thing put it in saves folder in blockland and it works in bedroom and slate
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 02:05:06 AM by DABlock » pix.
2.wrong section, this goes in gallery.
3.good job.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 03:07:53 AM by Dansegal96 V2 »

I downloaded it and it gave me guitar sounds.

I downloaded it and it gave me guitar sounds.
you press the blue  button then there will be a  ping pong ball poping up theres  a bug thogh it will sometimes go thru the ping pong wall so yeah hes still and if it gave you hook shot and rc controller  crap

and pulse fooly cooly is working on hes mansion  its pro too it has alot of detail in it

I, built all of the interiors, I am the pro :D