Author Topic: :port: misty mountians  (Read 16766 times)

Its a cool map.

Here cookie box :nes: choco chip

Sometimes you Need to ask for permission or else the Badspot/his underlings will devour you.

Who's the wife?

Your mom. I'm gonna get banned for this post...

Anyways, cool map. Oh and I noticed on your forums you have a semi-working Bot Mod. Thanks for having it, too bad they can't do anything but talk and stand but still, thanks.

I created this map and stopped playing for a while. I give full permission for him to post this and hope everyone enjoys my map.

This doesent even have a link to it should be failed if thats not fixed soon :P

This doesent even have a link to it should be failed if thats not fixed soon :P
are you an idiot? READ THE FRICKING POST

its a map ported by the builder, he used it a few times in his server and gave me link (now apparently he stoped making his servers) and i apper to be the only person with the map so i wanted to share it hope you enjoy

oh and if the builder doesnt want anyone to post this then ill glady delete this post
thats the link (picture is at the link, use the mouse wheel to scroll down the picture (if youd ont have one your out of luck)
it wont let me post the pic here so im screwed in that way

I don't like it not much, use some smooth on the mountains. :cookieMonster:

But alway's.. 8/10 :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

are you an idiot? READ THE FRICKING POST
Yeah...I didnt see the link for the map when I went to the image before...sorry about that.

did he give you permission to post it?       (BTW first post)
there are some maps made by people who are no longer around,or they have outgrown blockland,i plan on porting about 5 or 6 more maps and i dont care about permission,as long as whoever ports them does not claim they made it.