Author Topic: Blockland Essay  (Read 4427 times)


      Blockland, that game where you build stuff out of interconnecting plastic bricks. Not only that, you can also fight other players with various weapons. One of the most fun things to do on Blockland is play a zombie mini-game. It is also an online game so you can easily stay connected with your friends.
                  In Blockland you can build out of interconnecting plastic bricks ''which are similar though legally distinct from Lego's''. My favorite things to build are space stations and big castles. Sometimes my friends and I all work together on a building, this is called a collab. One of my friends favorite things to build are mountains and rivers, this is where we usually fight.
                  Fight, you ask? Well, in Blockland you can also fight each other. We take the buildings we make and battle on them. There are many different types of weapons, such as the hand gun, rocket launcher, sword, and my favorite the mini-gun, which is a sort of machine gun. In the builds there are many places to hide from your opponents. Speaking of hiding, there is also a zombie mod in Blockland.
                 The zombie mod is a unique user created mod, which allows the player to do battle with zombies. Zombies? Yes, the brain eating monsters of the night. Back to the hiding, you can hide from the oncoming zombie onslaught in the buildings. It is best to stay in groups of 3 or 4 so if one falls the others can heal them with medic kits. To have a group of 3 or 4 you would need friends to play with.
                 While playing Blockland you always have a good time, but it is even more fun with friends. A couple of my friends play on Blockland with me; some of them I actually met through the game. There are many players on Blockland and the population is growing as we speak. Blockland is a great way to stay connected with friends, even if they live in a different country.
                 Blockland is an extremely fun online game. You can build, fight, battle zombies, or just chill. It's all up to you. Even if you don't have anyone you know on Blockland most members of the community are very friendly. If you were to consider buying Blockland or just wanted to try it out, I suggest going to Www.Blockland.Us, where you can find all the information you need to start playing the game.
Blockland, the best $20 dollars I've ever spent.

Don't Steal my essay, Why would you do such a thing to me? :(

Just an essay I did for school.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 07:27:10 PM by Valen »

Yay for Blockland in schools.

You did a good job at making it sound violent.

It keeps on repeating things over again, doesn't go into enough detail.

Don't use "my" and "I" and things like that in an essay.

Talk more about the unmodded game, and less about a specific add-on. You could mention the add-on system, and say that fully working game modes have been made, but I would stay away from talking about the zombie mod specifically.

I would also probably talk about some of the history (v0002, retail's release, v8-v9, etc).

I don't wanna sound rude, but you have some grammar mistakes, and some of those "sentences", are either fragments or run-ons. You should look over all of it, and correct your errors. Also, Falcondude's advice was really, good.

I recommend redoing all of paragraphs 3-5 and editing the rest. Good luck :D

It sounds far too informal and biased.

Should be longer and moar detailed, that looks like one to three paragraphs to me with no intro or conclusion :/

Add pictures for more detail.

You didn't go into the player modding D:

Kind of all over the place...

you talked about zombies alot, boy said nothing about its many uses, moddable and so forth

I gives it a C-. It's got too much average language and no unique imagery. Needs moar short too.

hi can u hear me XDXDXDXDXd