Author Topic: Limbs that can be shopped off.  (Read 902 times)

It would be intense if somebody made a mod that is like a gamemode. The mode would allow you to shoot/chop off limbs if they are hit with enough force. Then the limb would become a physical object for like 5 seconds. Also, for added goodness, make blood squirt out. That would be epic for some games.


somtimes I see zombies with no head or arms in blockland...

Do you want to see the part disappear or do you want it to actually fall off? Also, do you want there to be special gameplay changes depending on which part is removed? Ex: Chop off the right arm and the person can't use weapons unless they are dual at which point you'd only use the left hand.

Limbs that can be shopped off?

Called legos. Breaking into pieces would be cool though.

shopped=shot off
well, at least it is here

I think he combined "Shot" with "Chopped".