
Do you want to be in?

YES i will help!
no sorry.
ill help for a while.
ill tell ppl.
im a good flamer so yes.

Author Topic: Looking for flamers to destory clone trooper. now found flamers LOCKED!  (Read 2648 times)

flame him here! http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=44599.30 this is not a spam topic or noob topic . we need you. people who joined: spatation, Zombie cxnc, Hunter, me. found enough flamers.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 05:13:42 PM by ROCK BAND »

forget off.
Hes got more respect than you at the moment, which is hard to believe.

why did you answer i want flamers not newbs.

Newb = Newbie.
I think that describes the opposite of me.

why did you answer i want flamers not newbs.
Fine, if you want a flamer, you have one.
You're an idiot half-wit with no decency, sense or moral fibre. You're too young to use the internet, get off it before you embarrass yourself further and end up with even less friends than you struggle to make right now.

You know he was referring to you, right?

He is clueless after all

Rock Band, A little tip: Never EVER name yourself after a game, It makes you look like a complete idiot. Witch is 99% True most of the time


There are no flamers on here.

There are no flamers on here.

Then I wouldn't look in the AS clan...

Oh dear lord, not only has my sarcasm failed to a serious degree, but my name has mated with that of a potato.