Author Topic: {BH} vs [USSR]  (Read 14926 times)

Grim said it wouldve takin time to contact you :(

We need a third party to moderate -_-, come on, you planned this I bet
3rd party? How about my clan?

O.k, I've been saying the same thing this whole time. I don't know how i could have made it any more clear.

If you guys want, I can be the referree for this.

If you guys want, I can be the referree for this.
Mocheeze is probably the best middleman for this kind of thing. Because it doesn't make any sence to have one side controlling more than the other.

OK.. I've wasted enough of my time on this.. let's figure this out today or im leaving this pile of shit.

Ok, do you guys want to put me in charge of mediating? I'll be fair. :)


Mocheeze....I think you should take over.... Just take the rules from the begining and start a new post n delete this one or something.....

heh i thought about joining BLBC once, it seemed cool...anyway if this isn't resolved then were pulling out. You've wasted a week already.

Grim, you need to email ppl, all you did was rely on this rag-tag post

No, personal preferences won't matter in this if I moderate, I promise that. I want this to be 100% fair.

If you guys want, I can be the referree for this.
Mocheeze is probably the best middleman for this kind of thing. Because it doesn't make any sence to have one side controlling more than the other.

No. Mocheeze likes USSR more, and i dont trust him. Choose somone that hates BH and USSR equally.

heh i thought about joining BLBC once, it seemed cool...anyway if this isn't resolved then were pulling out. You've wasted a week already.

Grim, you need to email ppl, all you did was rely on this rag-tag post

Lmao, i thought you were staying in no matter what. Only 1 day has been wasted.
If you don't stop falming everyone then there will be no more contest.

Moderators are ALWAYS nuetral, thats why they moderate.

You said, and i quote:

"mocheeze doesn't like me."
"he hates me"

Ok, let's work out some rules. I think the only things people have issues with are the time limits, and the theme.

The time thing, it's really up to you guys for. You could make the time limit be next Monday (March 6th) at like, 6 PM (pacific time).

I like the WW2 theme, but I think that there could be the possibility of more creativity if you chose a different theme (maybe something even more historical, like greece, middle ages, colonization of America, whatever).


well this weekend was the only time i could have, i have projects and lots of shifts at work.