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Author Topic: coliseum (not Roman though:D)  (Read 5108 times)

So my friends and i were working on this coliseum, and it turned out so well that i think it would be a good idea to post it
you will need these to be able to use it
i will try to get a picture that encompasses the whole thing
don't load brick ownership
i will work on a good image and re-save were there is no brick ownership
you can rate it x/10
you can download the actuall build here:
this is to be saved in c://program files/blockland/saves/bedroom
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 05:35:48 PM by penthoplayer »

ok, i got some pics
here they are:

Awww, I was getting excited, before I loaded topic I thought someone had made the Roman Colosseum, (which would be epic)

Awww, I was getting excited, before I loaded topic I thought someone had made the Roman Colosseum, (which would be epic)

I thought the same, but I suggest you build something a little more...nice looking on the outside. The inside is pretty cool though.

I thought the same, but I suggest you build something a little more...nice looking on the outside. The inside is pretty cool though.

Badcolliseum is bad
But goodpurpose is good.

To me it just looks like a bunch of spam put together, but I like the reasoning behind it.

Awww, I was getting excited, before I loaded topic I thought someone had made the Roman Colosseum, (which would be epic)
lol, i dont know how to do THAT much yet

To me it just looks like a bunch of spam put together, but I like the reasoning behind it.
there isnt any spam, nor any wasted space
it is all used for the building and the red brick at the bottom is actually lava, and if you touch it, you die

I thought the same, but I suggest you build something a little more...nice looking on the outside. The inside is pretty cool though.
i was doing this just for fun, and besides, this way you can make the outside look however you want to

Looks like nothing but spam.

Looks like nothing but spam.
it is definatly not spam, it is a really good colisium compard to what it could have been
i sometimes think it is the best ever, even the roman one

it is definatly not spam, it is a really good colisium compard to what it could have been
i sometimes think it is the best ever, even the roman one

Keep dreaming.