Author Topic: Little Big Planet Talk/Post PSN Gamertags  (Read 33223 times)

Discuss LittleBigPlanet and such :D Also, post gamertags

NickTheSushi - NickTheSushi
TheWorm - Atashicola
ImTheHunter - bugfreak
Masterlegodude - Thelegodude
Vertzer - Mr_Gunshin
Marcem - Quiltr
black knight - Lucascage
Feep - Feep13
Cog_Spartan - CogSpartan
CODY455/ZETIC - TikiTiki3
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 03:20:02 PM by NickTheSushi »

This game is going to rock! I have been waiting for this game for 2 years :D

The only game the PS3 has that doesn't suck, and the only reason worth getting one. God damn why hasn't there been a sandbox game for the 360? >:(

The only game the PS3 has that doesn't suck, and the only reason worth getting one. God damn why hasn't there been a sandbox game for the 360? >:(

Everyone thinks 360 is the little baby of technology because it's kinda a repeat of the original Xbox.

Theres also CoD4 that doesn't Suck, MGS4,Rainbow 6/7 (I dunno what its called) and a few others I can't think of.

It's like every sandbox game on steroids.

The only reason I want a PS3, All the other games can get dug in a ditch somewhere.

Right, does anyone have a spare beta key for me here? Nobody on fun-motion have one. and yes the beta is started.

You can get one from G4.

Everyone thinks 360 is the little baby of technology because it's kinda a repeat of the original Xbox.

Theres also CoD4 that doesn't Suck, MGS4,Rainbow 6/7 (I dunno what its called) and a few others I can't think of.
I'm not sure if you know what you're talking about.
Furthermore, any games that are on both platforms do not count. As for MGS and Ranbow 6: They suck. I've never liked either of those series.

Well, I'm not from the US, and it says it needs valid phone number and stuff.

meh, got it working.

And now, lets get some real LBP discussion going :D

I like how they start to make more Sandbox games, I can't wait till someone makes a 3D game like LBP, also EVERYTHING is physics based, you can't freeze something in air, you need something to hold it up :O
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 04:46:03 PM by psygo »

I still can't wait for this. For lulz, I might get a PS3 gameshark JUST to get all outfit stuffs :3

As for MGS: They suck.

I'm sure the ps3 will have better games in the future, it just takes time.