Author Topic: Sea monsters  (Read 2076 times)

I was just recently hunting for blue dye and have lost almost 1k in there because of those damn sea monsters. You cant dodge them, you cant kill them easily, and they kill you in one hit, and they are fast as hell. I dont see how im supposed to dye hunt if I cant even stay alive. Is there anything I can do to evade them?

I don't know if this will work, but i was on a horse yesterday, and monsters could not hurt me, so if i were you, i would take a horse, get to the bottem and get off... You'll have a while before another monster spawns

Do you think a canoe will work? Are they still in the game?

You can use the shield. Theyll do some damage but they wont kill you.

Do you think a canoe will work? Are they still in the game?

I dont think they are still there, Badspot removed them

Seamonsters really are a pain....this reminds me...

What is gay about it is that they only drop  a measley 3 GP at the most...

Well its not like they drop 1k per kill.

Last time I checked, they dropped bundles of 3 standard bolts.

Be thankful they can't dive... :cookieMonster:

they can't go underwater and stay underwater and follow you along the lake's floor, they can spawn around you but they soon start to surface.