Author Topic: Erm...  (Read 1019 times)

I just realized something. I had a ton more fun and play time, in Castle Crashers, then I have Spore, Super Mario galaxy, and many others.   What does this mean? 10$>50$ And BL 20$>Spore.

Games have gotten way to over complicated. How simple BL and CC are, compared to SMG and Spore? Huh.

Also, I got hit with the Castle Crashers wipe bug.... :/. They are releasing a patch soon though.

I don't care about castle crashers, And after yahtzees review i care even less. Spore ftw <3

I don't care about castle crashers, And after yahtzees review i care even less. Spore ftw <3
yahtzee loves some of the games he rips on. He only does it because people got all angry faced when he talked good about a game.

In all honesty, I think people are more inclined to like sandbox games more than games with a point. Do you think GTA would be as successful as it is if you HAD to do the missions and you didn't just get a big city to walk around and kill people in?

In all honesty, I think people are more inclined to like sandbox games more than games with a point. Do you think GTA would be as successful as it is if you HAD to do the missions and you didn't just get a big city to walk around and kill people in?
It wouldn't. Me and Spation loves to be pirates in GTA4 arr! :D

It wouldn't. Me and Spation loves to be pirates in GTA4 arr! :D
You guise play PS3 or 360 GTA4?

Btw, I thought spore was boring before yahtzee's review, and I still think it is.

You guise play PS3 or 360 GTA4?

Btw, I thought spore was boring before yahtzee's review, and I still think it is.

Also, I got hit with the Castle Crashers wipe bug.... :/. They are releasing a patch soon though.

Me too, first I had nothing, now just no bow  Didn't care my money, weapons, and animals were gone, but no bow just feels weird.

I lost all encouragement to play after.

If you think super mario galaxy is complicated... never mind.... *sigh*

But I know what you mean