Author Topic: Chicks and vegetarianism  (Read 14704 times)

Why does it seem like all teen age girls are vegetarian? Is it just the chicks at my school or is it like that around you?

its there to!?!?!? OMB it's spreading!! Run for your lives!!

Some of them grow out of it, some of them just simply don't like meat becuase they've grown up in families where meat is bloody steak, cooked on a grill instead of a flavor in various dishes.

And some are over sensitive.

TEENage girls. Yea.

Turn off: vegitarianism. It basically limits the places I can take my girl out to about 1/16th of what a normal person would be like.

Some of them grow out of it, some of them just simply don't like meat becuase they've grown up in families where meat is bloody steak, cooked on a grill instead of a flavor in various dishes.

And some are over sensitive.

TEENage girls. Yea.

All of the ones I've asked so far just excrete bullstuff about how mean it is to the animals we kill to eat.

As an experiment I informed one about the farms that clone the cows they slaughter, thus making it so that we don't reduce the population of cows/don't tear cows away from their families (since the usage of natural selection in a debate with a vegetarian is useless). She simply gave up and walked away.

Meatatarians + 1.

I haven't met a vegetarian girl yet  at my high school ;)

Yes, I see these people too. The best way to deal with them, especially if they are in your family is this: For every Animal you don't eat, im going to eat 3. That way not only are you eating their portions of delicious meat, but they also then contribute to the slaughter of animals. <- Found on the internet

The girls in my school are bitches. Not the good kind. None of them are vegetarians, and neither am I, but I am not a big meat eater, I would sometimes prefer rice loaded with butter..or margarine? i cant believe its not butter. over steak, hot dogs, and deer meat which I cannot spell

there's a band of goth vegitarians at my school.... I'm friends with a few of them although I shall never ban myself of meat!!!

<3 meat. We have those teeth for a reason.

Most vegetarians are loving stupid and just stop eating meat. They don't replace the meat in their diet, they just stop eating it. They end up getting sick easily because they forgeted up their diet.

Why don't they go eat the rainforest?