Author Topic: Chicks and vegetarianism  (Read 13816 times)

I'm almost 14 and I'm still 75 pounds...
Should I be worried? :o

What he said except for the vegetarian part.

High metabolism.

I will never understand you people who rail against the existence of vegetarianism as a personal lifestyle in a self-righteous manner just as much as you complain about how they are self-righteous against you.

I will never understand you people who rail against the existence of vegetarianism as a personal lifestyle in a self-righteous manner just as much as you complain about how they are self-righteous against you.
I'm not against vegetarians. I'm against people who do it so loving wrong they harm their bodies.

im with otis on that one.

the people that are vegos are a ok with me, but when they starve themselves are vital nutrients, i really want to butt in and tell them to do something about it.

I'm almost 14 and I'm still 75 pounds...
Should I be worried? :o

No worries, I was 90lbs at 14. I'm 115 now, but hey, Its ok.

I love meat. (So does my girlfriend, yay). I also love most plants. I love food. Yay.

Anyway, I eat all except pork. Studies have shown that an adult pig is smarter than most two year old children. That makes it feel really weird eating pigs. Also, they're nice.

I was 90lbs at 14.

Seriously? I'm 5'2'' and I weigh 110.

EDIT: Oh stuff, I'm tired. Sorry for the double post, everyone. I meant to edit the previous post.

I will also go with Otis on this one. Most people who are vegans do not know how to properly substitute for the lack of meat they eat and they end up suffering as a cause. Which reminds me of most people on diets, no one really expects them to work because it's off of the same basis. You just can't remove something from your eating pallet and expect to naturally compensate for it for a positive result. Veganism is just another form of a diet and like all diets, it is usually done wrong. (anyone who rages at me for it must be someone doing it wrong.)

Also, I'm not exactly sure which is more inhumane. Butchering animals, processing them and making sure they're in no means to feel pain when consumed, or with plants, ripping parts from the whole without remorse, chilling them so the parts do not rot or become bad, then when eaten, is usually done at room temperature with blunt utensils or teeth and the thing is literally eaten alive.

Just imagine if we did that to meat. Severing an animal's head, keeping it alive and cooled so that it doesn't rot, then taking a big ol bite out of it while it's staring at you. You'd be grossed out for sure, but how can you guarantee that a plant isn't doing the same? Sure, it has no face to look at you or a mouth or lungs to scream as you render it's flesh piece by piece, but those things can sure feel pain and a silent death is still barbaric by animal and human means. Plants are still living beings just like us.

It means you're going to turn into a giant pusillanimous individual.


Seriously? I'm 5'2'' and I weigh 110.

EDIT: Oh stuff, I'm tired. Sorry for the double post, everyone. I meant to edit the previous post.
Hahahha Im fater then that that im 6'2 184

  mmmmmm steak me love steak when bloody MMMMM

I'm not against vegetarians. I'm against people who do it so loving wrong they harm their bodies.
I'm against people who do it for stupid reasons, and then try to justify it with stupid excuses.

I'm against people who do it for stupid reasons, and then try to justify it with stupid excuses.
This too. Like celebrities and adoption. It's only for the attention it gives them and they always have someone else nanny them until they're old enough to be tolerated.

What's the difference?

Girls are fluffy and give us eggs too.


You know scientist believe that our appendicts were used when we would just ate raw meat.
Anyway I don't just eat meat. I like veggies too. Veggies: I like carrots, celery, broccli, potatoes, lettuce, and spinach, I hate colliflower.
Meat: I like ribs, steak(teh best), ham, pepperloaf, salami, bacon(no the food not the person), hamburger, all chicken. I don't really like, pork, or liver.
The funny thing is, my dad says when I was little... I would always ask for more liver.

Just as I don't want to eat mexican crap.
Hey mexican stuff is good, like gordita :D. Gordita is epic.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 10:12:06 AM by Slugger »