Author Topic: The Gas prices...  (Read 13584 times)

Either way we went in the kill terrorists.  We never came up with an exit strategy.

Either way we went in the kill terrorists.  We never came up with an exit strategy.
sry but loooooooooooool

sry but loooooooooooool

Laugh out out out out out out out out out out out out out loud? W-T-F


One errant twitch, AND KABLEWY!

 The high gas prices is all just a big scheme to make drivers switch to Hybrid or bicycles, where I live.

I think the price here is like.. $1

I think he got his conversion rate backwards

I love when people want to BLAME oil companies.

Like no stuff its their fault. If you own a business, then you try to make money. And to hell if the consumer likes the prices if you can get them to pay it.
And if politicians would sell their soul to help your company, then why not lobby them?

Can't be a competitive business one day, and then be the one that decides you grew to big and must now give a forget about the world's needs.

Also see: evil walmart causing small businesses to go down.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 01:17:25 PM by Bisjac »

The problem with the oil companies is that they were making record profits.  They were at the same time, crushing our economy.

The problem with the oil companies is that they were making record profits.  They were at the same time, crushing fueling our economy.

The big bad oil companies are some of the chief producers that keep this nation going. Not only do they produce the fuels vital to our transportation and industrial networks, they also provide hundreds of thousands of jobs. All those hundreds of thousands of workers put money back into the system whenever they purchase anything.

@ Muffinmix - Yeah, you probably could blame most of the ills of the world on America...but then again, take a look around....

China - Mass pollution, child sweat shops, billions living below the poverty line, apathetic communist (term used lightly) government.
Korea - Nuclear proliferation, deteriorating conditions in the north, millions starving or homeless, looming threat of war
Middle East - Need I say more? Waring tribes, unstable pseudo governments, abusive alliances, mass destruction, a war a 1000 years old