Author Topic: Ow, my arm.  (Read 4604 times)

I fell on it. It hurts alot. My elbow made a crack sound and hurt like hell. It got better though. My wrist still can barely move without it hurting though.

That happend to me once, it hurt D:

I also have done this.

Don't be a richard, this guy is in serious pain!

has anyone every been hit so that it feels like the 2 bones there have been moved apart?

I got spiked by a runner in cross country which made me fall down on a rock on my left arm. I got back up, bleeding, and kept on running. But the crack sound? :O was it like a crack from the surface or a boneish sounding crack

you're a richard
Yes, I have one, but that doesn't mean I am one ;D

Also, you might want to get it checked, it could be AIDS broken.

It was more of a pop than a crack. Like when you crack your knuckles loudly, it sounded like that. Now my wrist pops when I move it. Meh.

It was more of a pop than a crack. Like when you crack your knuckles loudly, it sounded like that. Now my wrist pops when I move it. Meh.
This has been happening to me for years, its fun now.

Also, you might want to get it checked, it could be AIDS broken.
I think he'd know if he broke a bone.

Probably not broken, but may be fractured.

I once got hit on an angle tackle in foot ball and dislocated my shoulder... hurt like a mother forgeter

I once broke four of my toes on my right foot, loving hurt like hell...