Author Topic: Ow, my arm.  (Read 4606 times)

I've never broken a bone and never want to. D:


Well if you wanted to take it that way, I will say I was just being specific. :P

Also, I've broke both my wrists on different occasions.  I still have yet to take time to build them back to normal size after the cast deterioration stuff, kinda scrawny.  :[

1) if you mean muscle, then it takes no time, you just use it
2) if you mean bone, you can't build it back, it has to grow


I've been kicked in the face why on swimteam before and had a real bloody day after that.

I've been kicked in the face why on swimteam before and had a real bloody day after that.

I got spiked by a runner in cross country which made me fall down on a rock on my left arm. I got back up, bleeding, and kept on running. But the crack sound? :O was it like a crack from the surface or a boneish sounding crack
I do cross country. :D

I did something like that once, but i broke my wrist doing it.

1) if you mean muscle, then it takes no time, you just use it
2) if you mean bone, you can't build it back, it has to grow


I mean muscle.  When you have a cast on, the muscle deteriorates and you have to build it back up.  My arms are still not the same size as before I had the cast.

You can stfu hang up now.

Cast must have been on for a forgetload of time, then. Like, a year, at the very least, for there to be a visual difference in muscle tone.

lol darnit Ladios, make a blog or stick to the girl drama. Those are far more entertaining. It's like reality TV...only I don't have to pay for it!  :cookieMonster:

lol darnit Ladios, make a blog or stick to the girl drama. Those are far more entertaining. It's like reality TV...only I don't have to pay for it!  :cookieMonster:
You pay for internet

I broke my arm in 2 places falling on my trampoline. I broke a couple ribs being hit by a car. I broke my wrist falling off my bike. I broke my nose, loving tree came out of no where.