Author Topic: New Name  (Read 5464 times)

Hey guys, I'm thinking of changing my Blockland name. Right now I have Previous, TDG, and Vertigo. Tell me what you think and post other idea names.

President of halo town3

Previous, - okay
TDG, - noobish and gay
Vertigo - Okay

How about....


w/e all I got

I'm thinking of changing mine to Nick4liso, because too many cigarette generals are stealing the title and mistaking me (Not General Omega, he's cool.)

Normally I wouldn't tell others my ideas because I want to use them as a back up but.

-FizzlesI dunno I just like it.
-The Pizza InspectorDon't ask it came to me in a dream.

You may use my backup name:


Lolicreep (oxymoron ftw :D)

Previous, - okay
TDG, - noobish and gay
Vertigo - Okay

How about....


w/e all I got
I just put TDG because it is my initials. I like Previous the most so far.

Lolicreep (oxymoron ftw :D)
How is this an oxymoron? Lolis aren't people who only want to have loveual intercourse with post-pubescent people.

I would change mine to Ancient but its already taken :P

I've been at war with my self on the decision of changing my name to Wooly.