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Author Topic: Defend your castle! (Temporaraly postponed)  (Read 15432 times)

the money system is fine, you just cant add more zombies to it
please make 3 zombies in a tank and call it a zombie general squad, worth 3000
lol maybe i'll look into that
OnZombiedeath/NAMED BRICK/incrementprintcount/1
thats what i used

Problem D:, when I try to download it it said: Invalid File. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team. Did you remove it?

Problem D:, when I try to download it it said: Invalid File. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team. Did you remove it?

i did not

Bump for epicness :D. How is the money system going?

Didnt hugums Make this O_o....

Didnt hugums Make this O_o....

Because "Hugums" didn't make this topic, of course...

Because "Hugums" didn't make this topic, of course...
HE DIDN"T!!1!!one!!!11!

lol xD

Sorry i got confused i have this save it says Built by hugums Eventers: BLah blah blah

I remember this... I had to face them by myself!

Bump for epicness :D. How is the money system going?
It isn't :( i'm temporarily postponing the project until i either learn to use variables or I/someone makes a calculator. (preferably BiT's)

I will, how ever, leave the topic unlocked incase someone needs help with the game.

Hugums I could teach you variables. If you could host I will show you if not post here and I will host for you.

Hugums I could teach you variables. If you could host I will show you if not post here and I will host for you.
I cant host and i can't get on blockland for about 15 more minutes so I'll message you in RTB when i'm on.

I figured out what I did wrong I will tell you tomorrow.

I figured out what I did wrong I will tell you tomorrow.
k cool