Author Topic: You laugh: You lose  (Read 54624 times)

I lost. If you read that with a black, gangster type of accent it's hilarious.
I lost for the 17th time.

i have held it so far, bring it on people

And for older folks like me, an inside joke....

That made me lol the first time I saw it on a t-shirt, still damn funny though.


Bio Spark: HP 1

lost three times, by rawrman's bird picture and by the picture of rawrman and the palin one.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 02:57:09 PM by NotInsaneChef »

Both of those were horrible
In my opinion monty and muffinmix
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 03:36:54 PM by tater8q3 »

I laughed at the flash one.
No matter how many times I look at it, I always laugh.



I died.

Dammit spenny you made me loose with your weird eye picture }:<

I also lol'd at the things i can relate to, such as spiders with health