Author Topic: Climbing Bricks.  (Read 1012 times)

..I Think It Would Be Cool if we could make a certain type of brick taht we can climb, go on options, set a button for it, and when your near a climbing spot, hit (button) and it will flash *Climbable Spot* and climbing spots can come in many differnet sizes, and you can just use keyboard controls to go up down right and left, and when your done, just jump!  i hope this comes true ~ Sonic :panda:

..I Think It Would Be Cool if we could make a certain type of brick taht we can climb, go on options, set a button for it, and when your near a climbing spot, hit (button) and it will flash *Climbable Spot* and climbing spots can come in many differnet sizes, and you can just use keyboard controls to go up down right and left, and when your done, just jump!  i hope this comes true ~ Sonic :panda:
This is too much like elevators. As for the bolded, making something work by a key means EVERYONE needs to set it them self, or have the Add-On. I don't see why people think keybinds are held serverside.

Example: Server could do keybind making L do quit();, as such, keybinds are set to clients.

pichu loves this idea.

wrench events. make a certain trail of bricks . Set all bricks you want to climb with these events:

Name: climbbricks

'onactivate named brick climbbricks setcolor white'

'Delay: 500 onacivate named brick climbbricks set color 'original color here'

'onactivate player addveolcity []   []   [10]'

So all climbable bricks will flash white for half a second, and when you rapidly click them, they will make you go up.

no, i know that, but i want like a moveset for it,

a fool thing you can make events in ladders like... On Activate  |  Player |  Add Vecolity | [---] [---] [ 10]