Author Topic: Damn little kids...  (Read 4064 times)

Earylier I was hanging out with my freind. He had to go so I started to ride my bike back to my neighborehood. On my way there I started riding with no hands because I had to take my phone out of my pocket. I passed a group of all these little kids and 1 called me a "Showoff" Because I was riding with no hands. I just looked at them and they all started calling me White turd and Rotten egg, Coconut and White trash. (keep in mind, only 1 was african american" These kids were basicly in theyre late toddler stage. At that moment I saw one of thems moms walk out. (Ironicly the black ones mom) and I just told them all those little toddlers were using some bad words. I heard the mom yelling at all of them. I was laughing my ass off.

Though why would little kids do this?. I had never done anything bad to them. Actually ive played with them a few times.

Did they hurt your feelings ?

Reminds me off the little girls who lives down my street whose mom yells all the time.

They just want to seem cool, it's all good.

Reminds me off the little girls who lives down my street whose mom yells all the time.
We have this arab mom with her two kids living around here, and she takes her kids and their tricycles down to the park. Whenever one of the kids starts annoying the other one she would smack the stuff out of them. Once she hit one in the head while he was on the trike and he fell over.
It's awful yet funny at the same time. :(
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 08:40:56 PM by Vertzer »

Did they hurt your feelings ?
If they did, he r has glass skin.

Actually I've played with them a few times.

Would you like a hug :D

Only if you has a free hugs sign.

There's an Arab kid at my school named 'Jimi' who always calls me 'cracker' for my un-tanned skin. (I don't tan, I freckle or BURN)

He goes on saying 'you suck, cracker' for a few months. Normally, I would just laugh at him. One day, I was having a bad day and I was just mad. He spits out another derogatory term, and I rudely signal him while saying 'shut the forget up, mother forgeter.'

He doesn't talk anymore. :D 

There is a kid who brings over these shooting guns and things over when my dad brings him over and shoots me with it, his brother is an emo that always hides from me, and there close friend/ half sister always bites me....thank god not in the delicous meaty places

Only if you has a free hugs sign.
Dang it, where's Rotondo's sign mod? I could then port my Free Hugs sign D:

Offtopic: Masterlegodude's avatar is right, that show was great.